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Required Courses for Clinical Staff


To remain up to date, all staff are required to either complete the following course or provide proof of the following courses or equivalent course for the following listed below (to have proof of completion within the last 3 years).


Please note, I understand some of these courses are long, however it is vital that all staff are up to date with the information. Do NOT just skim through. Once completed, it is expected that you know your responsibility as a clinician.



Child/Adult Abuse Reporting Course completion (Required for all staff) – Free Course


Please CLICK HERE to complete the course. 

Create a Login 

Complete the Course 


HIPAA Compliance Completion – PrePaid – Required for ALL Staff



Username: Mistherapystaff 

Password: MISstaff2022!! 

The training should take about 1.5 hours to complete.There is no requirement to complete the training in one sitting, so if you get interrupted, you can simply log off or close the browser.Then when you want to resume, login again and click on the lesson you stopped at to continue.

At the end of the training there will be a final exam which each person will need to successfully pass. If you don't pass the first time, you can take it as many times as you need to pass. Also if you want to take the final exam again to get a higher score, feel free. Once you pass, you will enter your name on the certificate and then you will receive a PDF certificate immediately for saving or printing for your records. There is no need to send us a copy of the certificate as the system will also automatically send us a copy of your certificate for our records.


Risk/Suicide Prevention Courses: (Required for all MH staff ONLY – ABA TEAM NOT REQUIRED) – All Courses Free


CLICK HERE to access Florida Certificate Board 

Create a login with your MIS gmail account 

Add and complete the courses below.


  1. Introduction to Baker Act (DO NOT REFRESHER – Click Load More): This course examines Florida's Baker Act law (Chapter 394) and addresses: who qualifies for Baker Act services, the different methods used to initiate services at a Baker Act facility, the services that individuals can receive, and discharge procedures. The target audience for this course is professionals who encounter individuals who may require services in a Baker Act facility, such as a qualified professional, law enforcement officer, or emergency department staff.  Three (3) continuing education credits or hours are available with successful course completion.

  2. Minors & Baker Act: This course addresses the provisions in Florida's Baker Act law that relate to minors.  Before taking this course, it would be helpful to take the course entitled Introduction to the Baker Act on this site.  This course offers  one (1) continuing education credit or hour after successful completion of the course.

  3. Suicide Prevention: This course helps prepare behavioral health professionals to identify potentially suicidal persons, determine immediate risk of suicide, and help reduce the risk of a suicide attempt or completion through a safety planning and referral process.  Four (4) hours of continuing education are offered with successful completion of the final course exam.

  4. Youth Suicide Prevention: This webinar-based course provides an overview of specific evidence-based treatment programs for suicide-related thoughts and behaviors among youth. It also provides guidance on selecting and implementing a chosen evidence-based program.  It provides 1.5 continuing education hours or credits with successful completion.


Required for all registered Interns: 


  1. Clinical Documentation and Treatment Planning: The purpose of this course is review the various types of clinical documentation that is relevant in the provision of behavioral health services.  The ulltimate purpose is to help improve treatment satisfaction and outcomes by strengthening clinical documentation knowledge and skills.  The course provides two (2) hours of continuing education credits or hours with successful course completion.

  2. Mutli-culture Counseling: This course is new and redesigned for 2020. It is specifically designed for persons who provide counseling or therapy services. The course provides a framework and addresses specific skills to help counselors hone their multicultural counseling skills for clients with behavioral health conditions.



Required for all ABA Staff: 

1. Clinic & ABA Expectations Acknowledgment Form - CLICK HERE



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