Includes access for 1 teen
February 3-March 24, 2022
Thursdays 6pm
Does your child:
Struggle with anxiety (panic, worry, GI problems)
Can use support with relationships (romantic and friendships)
Feel misunderstood
Has a struggle with one of both parents
Struggle with self confidence
This may be the group for them! Led by Dr.Daisy Monterroso, our clinical director, this group hopes to be a place of support and guidance, as they go through one of the most influential times in their lives. In this group we will focus on:
-Managing Anxiety
-Managing through social media
- The changes that happen in the teen years
-Managing through parent conflict
- Building confidence
-Building healthy relationships
-Grieving through COVID changes.
-Much more!
At this time the group will take place virtually, allowing your child to join from wherever they are!
Groups will meet Thursdays at 6pm starting February 3 for intervals of 8 weeks (first cycle Feb 3-March 24)
Location: Via Zoom
Host: Dr. Daisy Monterroso
Cost: - total of $200 ($25 per session) for 8 week
We are excited to support your teens. Limited number of spots, so sign up today!